Monday 18 November 2013

OUGD504: Design Production - Design for Print Seminar

Chronologies print: The sequential oder in which past events occurred.

If something is printed people believe that it is true. Print cannot be changed, it can be retracted and another print can be put in its place but it is a permanent process. 

Print standardises information.

Documentation. Communication. Reproduction.

Wood block was the first type of print.
It was printed onto fabric because it lasted longer than paper.

Europe did not use print until 1000 years later than the first print.

Religion became very important with print as it was the first way to make a message travel further.

Print from China 600AD which was about Buddhism. This would have been hand carved. 

Communication. Reproduction. Distribution.

Mass Communication.

Moveable type was available when the GuttenBerg press was invented. 

This was brought into the world during a time of renaissance, it allowed people to become more self sustained.

Literacy Boomed - People learnt to read. 

Religious beliefs powered this along with political beliefs. 

European output of printed books between 1400-1800 raised from 0 - 1000,000,000

The press printed 3000 pages per day when 200 pages per day were created by hand. 

The press changed the verbal culture to a visual culture/written culture.
Glyphs started to come into type when the letterpress was invented. Purely out of laziness, it was easier to produce a & rather than 'and'.
They were also brought into use because we needed a way to add punctuation into sentences. 

Marshall Mcluhan 1911-1980

'Medium is the message'
The world is a global village. 
He predicted the world wide web 30 years before it was invented.

Print cognitively changed the way we felt about communication. 

The press started a democracy, capitalism and nationalism. 

Lino-type the documentary:

This type of printing revolutionised the world of letterpress. 

Peopler were trained to sit at a keyboard and type - this would then come out of the machine as a set piece of linotype. 

Line Casting - started late 1800-1960's
Used primarily with newspaper publishing. 

When this type of printing was brought into action people no longer had to worry about spacing between letters and words. 

When keyboards (used today) were developing in the 1960's-70's newspapers started to be printed this way. 

In the 1980's this type of printing died and was replaced with a computer. 

The people who did this as a profession were out of a job and they were only trained in this area. 


The visual not the type based. 

Firstly used in religious illustration. 

Mass communication.

William Morris

A time when everything was over the top. An example of this is the Victoria Quarter in Leeds.
The idea of this was to make everything pretty. 


Colour was introduced.
Propaganda was brought in.

Modernism was brought into the world of print also. 
Very clean and crisp design with only primary colours.

A case study

The Daily Star - 2010

We will stand and fight for British War heroes 

2 war héros were refused the St Georges cross. They were muslim. There were lots of anti-muslim protestors at the time. 
The BNP was advertised as the place where it is at after the story was printed. There was a poll which was filled in by the audience of the newspaper asking for people to vote for the BNP. 
98% of people said they would even though they did not know what the party stood for. 

Andre the Giant

Andre was a famous wrestler who's reputation was tarnished by Jake the Snake Roberts. 
Shepard Fairey took his face and repeated it using print, this created the brand Obey. 

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