Thursday 18 October 2012

OUGD401 Post Modernism Notes 17/10/12

Context of Practice : Post Modernism

Definition :

term applied to a wide range of cultural analysis and production since the early 1970's. Referred to a typical shift in thought and theory investigation.

It is said to have begun with Pop Art, Conceptual Art and Feminist Art.

Modernism 1860-1960

Post Modernism 1960-Today

Some people say that we have left Post Modernism and are in Post Post Modernism

Modernism :

Initially born out of optimism, an aspirational reaction of WW1.

Postmodernism :

A reaction to the rules set by Modernism.
The only rule in Post Modernism is that there are no rules.
Kisch :
bad taste but knowing bad taste.

Post modernism questions the conventions of modernism.

Aesthetic : multiplicity of styles

'Double Coding', borrowing or 'quoting' from a number of historical styles.

Le Corbusier, Chapel of Notre Dame du tlout, Ranchamp. 1953
The designer hired bad workmen to get the effect he wanted on the building.

Las Vegas
Styles thrown together
Micro worlds
Done in a tacky and cheap way.

With the reproduction of famous landmarks and tourist sites from around the world people sometimes question whether they need to visit the real place when they can go to a miniature in Las Vegas. Research has shown that 73% of American's do not own a passport this supports the above statement that America can show you the world without you having to leave.

Miles van der Rohe and Phillip Johnson
Seagram building

Phillip Johnson

Old A+T building, New York

Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers
Pompidou Centre, Paris 1972-77

At the time this establishment was built the French were shocked by the different style of building from the usual. Today the French have now accepted it and it has become a very popular place to visit.


Michael Graves, Kettle for Alessi 1985

Philippe Starck, Juicy Salif, 1990

Lemon Squeezer which is not functional. Status Symbol

Vivienne Westwood and others

Sex boutique, Kings Road, London 1975

Hussein Chalayan, After Words, 2000-2001

Table which turns into a dress
Hussein liked to experiment with fashion and everyday objects, he likes to think of ways to keep possessions in the Civil War.

Mark Rothko

murals for the Four Seasons restaurants 
Seagram Building now in Tate Modern
Mark chose to move his murals to Tate Modern as his desired audience did not venture into the Four Seasons.

Andy Warhol, Campbells Soup, 1962

Roy Lichtenstein

Jeff Koons, Dirty, Jeff on Top, 1992

Kische, Tacky

Koons, Michael Jackson and bubbles (monkey) 1988

Jeff Koons' work used to appear in the back of cheap tabloids. He makes comments about the world and issues in the world in his artwork.

Damien Hirst

Mother and child divided
To produce this piece Damien took a dead cow and let it rot to make observations of the body matter as it decomposed.

Tracey Emin

Everyone I've ever slept with, 1963-95
Tent with embroidered names of everyone she has slept with (includes rapes)

Sarah Lucas, Au Naturel, 1994

Mattress with image representations of the male and female genetals

Chris Ofili

Doesn't hang his paintings, places them on pieces of cow dung.

Mark Wallimger

dressed as a bear and walker around a gallery for 3 nights to watch peoples reactions

Helmut Krone

Doyle Dane, Berbath, Volts advert 1959

Graphic Design

David Carson
Ray Gun Magazine
David dropped out of his degree to become a surfer
When age caught up with him he opened his own magazine, Ray Gun.

Barbra Kruger

I shop therefore I am, 1987
Selfridges used this design idea
You want it. You buy it. You forget it.

Rachael Whiteread (1963-) House 1993

Won the Turnerprize, £20,000

The K foundation

£1,000,000 nailed to a wall
The K Foundation drew out £1,000,000 from a bank and created a piece of art work called one million pounds nailed to a wall. No galleries would exhibit the work and no one would buy it for security reasons. When the K Foundation tried to return the money to the bank they could not they had holes through them. It cost £600,000 for them to get £1,000,000 of £50 notes to be re-printed.
A second piece of work they created was 'burning £1,000,000".

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