Thursday 25 October 2012

OUGD403 - Message and Delivery Research : Domestic Violence

Rihanna and Chris Brown 

Taken from the Metro

The Rihanna and Chris Brown scandal has been ongoing for a number of years and with rumours of their reunion reported in the national press I have been drawn to researching the topic of violence.

In 2009 Rihanna was assaulted by Chris Brown resulting in a very public court case and Brown being sentenced to one year's probation and domestic violence counselling. 


It has been shown that 40% of domestic violence victim are male which is a surprising statistic as the subject is more commonly associated with women. I think domestic violence in males is not publicised to a satisfactory standard as people don't know how to approach the subject. As a designer I would find it very hard to represent male domestic violence rather than in women. 

Some of the campaigns for domestic violence are very stereotypical with an image of a woman/man looking scared of battered. This is one of the few campaigns I have found which is slightly more interesting. I find this piece quite haunting and scary.

Another example of an ad for domestic violence without using an image of a real person. I think images like this which include random objects from around the household help to break the stereotypical image of a woman being the victim.

Article from Behance our past does not define us, letters written by domestic violence victims.

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