Thursday 7 February 2013

OUGD401 - Politics, Society, Culture and History : Task


Politics in my eyes is mostly positive. I think that without the rule of one person that many would falter and the world would be in a state of chaos. The laws which the select few enforce assist the world by keeping a happy medium within all things. Though I do feel that some of the recent events within the world of politics have had an incredibly negative effect (eg. university fees) I do feel that these events are for the best and will help us in the future.


Society could been seen in a positive way as it promotes community and people coming together. Though these things are very positive society can also be very negative as it leads to class division, inequality and alienation. This is partly down to personalities within different people and their upbringing. Society could be seen on a whole positive if these things were addressed and divisions were not allowed to be made. 


As culture educates people and allows them to see into the lives and traditions of others it could be seen primarily in a positive light. This also allows people to relate to things people do in other countries. The arts are a major part of culture and allow people to experiment with different techniques and materials which they would not usually have access to. A negative view on culture would be that people are isolated based on their religions or beliefs, to overcome this people could be educated more on different religions in order to understand them more. 


History has had a huge impact on the world. We have been left with beautiful architecture and traditions which shape us as human beings. The inventions during past times have assisted us in modern inventions, medical breakthroughs and archaeological findings. The history of the UK has enabled us to have a royal family and establish a leader who is not following a political party. 

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