Monday 10 December 2012

OUGD405 - Coffee Research

My topic to look into was coffee. 

When I first searched coffee on youtube this was the first video which came up. In it there is a in depth description of the phenomenon, coffee. The video explains how coffee effects people and which countries consume the most. Obviously America consumes the most coffee although they do have one state, Hawaii who they can import coffee from. Other countries such as Finland and the Netherlands have to import 100% of their coffee. 

Facts from the video which are of interest :

  • The world consumes 300 tons of caffeine a day
  • This is the equivalent of 1 cup of coffee per man, woman and child
  • Coffee will only grow between the tropic cancer and capricorn, this is called the coffee belt
  • USA is the largest buyer of coffee because it is the most populated country
  • The Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Finland are the largest buyers of coffee.
  • Finland consumes 3 times as much coffee as USA
  • Coffee trees are pollinated the same way as plants, bees
  • 40 coffee beans make one shot of expresso
  • Coffee trees adapted themselves to stop insects from eating the plant by developing caffeine 

Recent news stories which are coffee related

Starbucks have been criticised recently about the company not paying the right amount of tax. This issue has brought a lot of controversy and has resulted in other companies such as Amazon and Google being outed for the same reasons. 


Fair trade is another topic which is mostly associated with coffee as it is grown in third world countries. In the past the people who grew coffee were not treated fairly when it came to pay. There has now been a system put in place called fair trade. This ensures that the people who grow the coffee get a fair amount of the profit. 

Celebrity Coffee Endorsements

Coffee has a huge following with a large percentage of the population consuming it everyday. Some brands have resorted to selling their product through the use of a successful celebrity. George Clooney is an oscar winning actor who has now turned his talents to advertising coffee. 

Miranda Hart has also been used as a voice over for the Kenco Milicano advertisements. She is a relatively new comedian who is best known for her role in the TV series, Miranda. 

The medical benefits of being addicted to coffee on alzheimer's disease-- I love infographics  I love when infographics make me feel better about my addiction.

the coffee facts

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