Monday 18 March 2013

OUGD406 - Speaking from Experience : General Overview

As the title of this brief is Speaking from Experience I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on my time as a first year Graphic Design student.

Likes :

Throughout my time on this course I have discovered what areas of graphic design interest me and that I am skilled at. I have found that editorial and publishing design is one of my favourite areas and would love to pursue a career in this. I have also found that I like information graphics, part of this choice is down to the fact that I like clean and clear design which is mostly reflected in information graphics. I have experimented in these areas during the first year and plan to continue developing my skills in these areas within the second and third year.

Dislikes :

I have never been a skilled drawer which I thought would hinder my time on the course significantly. Learning from experience I now know that this is not a problem as technology such as light boxes and software (Illustrator) can assist me within my drawing skills.

Things I am looking forward to learning about :

The skill I wish to develop the most are my web design skills. I have never tried to make a website before and think that with my love of clean and crisp design it would become one of my favourite media's to produce. I am also looking forward to putting screen printing and letterpress skills to the test within upcoming projects.

Who was I?

Before moving to Leeds and starting on the Graphic Design course I had little knowledge about the industry and designers/blogs/studios. I had limited skills and understanding of colour theory, print settings, colour modes, software, vocabulary etc. It is inevitable that the new first year students will have these feelings and I would have welcomed the support from second years in assisting me with my understanding of the industry.

Who am I now?

After nearly a year on the course I have progressed significantly. I feel that I can now design at a professional standard, I can use specialist vocabulary to communicate with people within the industry and can use the appropriate software to solve problems. Over the past few months I feel that I know who I am and want I want to do which, during interviews I did not have a clear understanding of.

Problems I encountered during the process of starting university :

The build up to coming to university was quite a daunting and scary time. I was unsure whether I would make friends straight away and whether I would enjoy university life. Possibly the biggest change for me was moving away from home and becoming independent. Living by myself was a scary thing to think of, I had to learn to fend for myself. Buying kitchen appliances, pots, pans, cups etc was a fun experience though I was unsure what I would need to have and what the student accommodation would supply. After experiencing university life I now realise there was nothing to worry about though the new first years will be going through the same process.

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