Tuesday 19 March 2013

OUGD404 - Presentations and Studio Session

  • What are grids, columns, gutters & margins?
Grid - 2 dimensional structure, serves as a guideline
Columns - vertical, used to align text
Gutter - inside margin or blank space in-between to facing pages. The gutter depends on the binding process. 
Margins - edge or the border 
  • What is DPS and what does it do?
Printed collateral are usually created digitally then printed.
  • What is golden section?
Also known as the golden ratio. Irrational number which means it cannot be whittled down to a simple fraction. 
  • Explain why rulers, boxes, folio number, and drop caps are
Rulers - measurements within a document
Boxes - AKA Frames. Text, graphic and unassigned.
Folio numbers - another word for page numbers
Drop Caps - Enlarging the first capital and wrapping the text around it
  • What are 'picas', points and pixels?
Picas are a unit of measurement for typography 
Pixel - square element to make up pictures. Created ideally for web design. Unit of resolution.
Dots - pixels

Last bit of stuff to research :

  • Greeking
  • Folio numbers
  • Ligatures
  • Measures
  • Rulers and boxes

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